Contributions to Science

  1. Significant Learning: This research aims to look at active learning or flipped classroom techniques and student satisfaction. As well as, the intersection of Covid-19 and flipped classrooms online. Williams, K. & Dittberner, M. (2022). Significant Learning for Health Sciences Students. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 691-694). San Diego, CA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

  2. Dissertation research: A Quasi-Experimental Test of the Impact of Addiction Studies Education on College Student's Substance Use. This research looked at over 1000 student participants' self-responses in introductory courses in 2016 at a midwestern university. Students in the Addiction Studies course and students in other introductory course responses were compared. The focus was looking at attitudes and behaviors surrounding substance use.

  3. Break the Stigma: this is a research survey paired with the mini grant. The purpose of the study is to better understand survey participants' knowledge surrounding addiction, Naloxone (Narcan) and Medication Assisted Treatment. 

  4. Tattoos and Trauma: As a mentor for the Center for Brain and Behavior Research undergraduate students we will survey people who have gotten a tattoo within 2 weeks. They will be asked to take a questionnaire with screeners for depression, PTSD, SUD, ACE’s and pain ratings of their tattoo experience. In an attempt to understand the reasoning behind the action of getting a tattoo, especially for those who have reasons linked to past trauma.

  5. Dittberner M., Skinner Saint, A., Shift Mindset, (2023) The Alcohol Reset: A 66 day guided break from alcohol.

  6. Dittberner, ML“Voices from People Seeking Services.” in A. Colistra (Ed.), Equipping the Interdisciplinary Workforce to Treat Addiction and Behavioral Health: Reducing The Stigma. Springer Nature. Anticipated publication fall 2024.

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